Trumpet duets are a great way to practice the skills you need to perform with larger music ensembles
(but way easier to organize). The first and second parts to these duets are of equal importance
and we have done our best to make sure both players get to carry the melody at least for a bit of each
song. There are elements of counterpoint as well as playing together in harmony (some books
basically have the second trumpet play exactly what the first part plays down a third which gets old
real fast). These duets should be easily playable by an advanced high school or college student,
and rarely go above the staff -- though there are occasionally baroque-style sixteenth note figures to
remind folks they are listening to trumpets. Most importantly, we have tried to build a little bit
of rest here and there into each part (something that does not exist in many duet collections). The
arrangements use traditional harmonies and are suitable for church or street performances.
Review from the International Trumpet Guild Journal below.
Carol of the Bells
Deck the Halls
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Gesu Bambino
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
I Saw Three Ships
Jingle Bells
Joy To The World
Oh Christmas Tree
Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Oh Hanukah
Once in Royal David's City
Silent Night
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Listen to a synthesized version of clips from Deck the Halls and Once in Royal David's City.